Wednesday, June 4, 2008

baby a...

One of my friend's in a women's club I'm a member of recently welcomed her first baby, an adorable little boy. I loved taking little a's pictures. He has some of the best expressions and is happiest in momma's arms. What a sweet family and a lucky little boy...

miss july

I can't believe my oldest daughter will be four years old in less than a month! This year, we are doing a fourth of july theme since her party will be on the holiday weekend. So of course, I pulled out the red and white tutu, and a patriotic pinwheel and miss g was actually excited about taking some pictures to use in her birthday invite! Here is my little one, growing up way faster than I can keep up...

baby k

I feel so lucky to have met so many wonderful moms ever since I moved to AZ. One of the girls in my mommy group just had baby boy #2 and she was nice enough to let me do a photo shoot of her little one. He is so perfect and precious! And his big brother loves him so much! Welcome baby K...